Vianna Fashion history is about a company inspired by the color, shapes art and culture of Brazil and furthermore, the attitude of its people, our jewelry translates the essence of the Country.

Vianna Fashion history is about a company inspired by the color, shapes, art and culture of Brazil and furthermore, the attitude of its people.  Our jewelry translates the essence of the Country.

After four generations  the brand continues creating jewelry with exclusively designed fancy cuts, showing organic lines and geometric shapes in unexpected color combinations.

The  dedication and vocation made the Vianna family talent stand out not only nationwide but also reaching international markets.

Back in the past century, Raymundo Nonato Vianna, an artisan of great artistic talent, initiated the family into the world of jewelry. Through the decades, the Vianna family has shown dedication, vocation and talent to make outstanding jewelry.
Following the steps of their father/grandfather, Raymundo, Ricardo and Romulo Vianna, founded Vianna Brasil in 1984, headquartered in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

The  dedication and vocation made the Vianna family talent stand out not only nationwide but also reaching international markets.
Nowadays, after four generations, their tradition continues taking the Brazilian design and our name all over the world.